Category: Storytelling

Ring Them Bells!

NOTE: If you are a subscriber and receive this post via email, it is best viewed online. Click here to enjoy! I LOVE church bells. I grew up with them. I loved that you could tell the time without having to look at a watch. According to bells have been rung throughout church history…

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Profiles in Holiness: Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day, 1897 – 1980 I don’t quite remember, but I believe I discovered her when I was a college student and learning about social justice. Dorothy Day’s discipleship was all about taking care of those who were poor and marginalized as well as speaking truth to power, particularly around war and peace issues. Her…

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Except in a church.

In many ways, my faith journey is a fairly common one. I grew up in a Christian household where we took turns saying the blessing before each meal, read the Bible together daily at breakfast, and attended church as a family at least once a week. Starting in college, I needed distance from the religion…

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Cool. Clear. Water.

When I was a child “Cool Clear Water” was one of my father’s favorite songs. When my dad sang this song you knew he was in a good mood. At least for the time being, all was right with the world. After a long hard day’s work at the hospital, my dad would come home…

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